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GOTO++an links

Group/newsgroup for GOTO++

Official GOTO++ web site

Register to the GOTO++ mailing list:

Authorean links Not so many peopes buy a domain name so they appear first in Google when one seek their first name. I did. But this website is more than an hymn to my genius, it is also (ad! ad!) a cool community.

Richard Feynman is one of the greatest physicists of the XXth century. If he were still alive, he would use the GOTO++ to probe the mysteries of the universe. It is a website dedicated to a genius by a genius.

NIACian links

The NIAC is incredibily dumb. But it is from there that came the GOTO++ (how weird). So, here is a link to this web site with humour inside:

The best roleplaying game of the known universe is Men In NIAC.

Internetan links

Let's pay homage to linuxfr, the web site from which I were banned during a month.

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